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  • Water Safety Booklet

    Published 19/06/24

    Keep you and your family safe around water, download the Water Safety Booklet below created by London Fire Brigade: 

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  • Free information session for parents, guardians and carers about County Lines

    Published 06/06/24

    Join the Ivison Trust Webinar on Wednesday 25th June at 6:30pm to 7:30pm, where a parent with a lived experience and a local police officer will share what criminal exploitation is, with a focus on county lines. They will explore how to spot signs that it may be happening to your child or a child you know and cover trends in your local area and where to get advice and support if you are concerned.

    The interactive webinar will also give you the opportunity to ask questions, share concerns and connect with others. The sessions are delivered with a parent whose child has been a victim of exploitation, they will share their experiences and advice on responding to the risks.



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  • GRO HEALTH – Information from the School Nurse Team and the NHS

    Published 21/05/24
    GLL/ Better Health has partnered with NHS Northwest London to promote a health and wellbeing app to families called GRO HEALTH.

    With a vision and ambition of addressing childhood obesity in NW London and combating long-term health issues or conditions stemming from an inactive or unhealthy lifestyle. We want to start by programming healthy behaviours from childhood and work with families to achieve a healthy future for generations to come.

    Find out more on GRO HEALTH at: Through NHS NW London the app is available FREE to local families for 12 months from sign up. Eligibility for FREE registration is determined by at least one adult over 18 years old and at least one child between 5-18 years old living in the same household.

    Registered users will have access to:

    • Thousands of healthy recipes and meal plans; starting from £1.50 a meal and tailored specifically to dietary requirements and preferences.
    • Workout videos; suitable for the whole family, from easy seated exercises through to more active
    • Mindfulness activities
    • Sleep advice and much more...

    Please contact or if you have any questions about the content or for further information.


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  • Learn Hillingdon – Hillingdon Are Offering Workshops For Adults

    Published 21/05/24

    Please see details of May half term and summer workshops for adults:

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  • Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) Vaccination

    Published 22/04/24

    The vaccine is free and offered to all children in the UK. 2 doses can give lifelong protection against: 

    These highly-infectious conditions can cause serious illnesses including pneumonia, meningitis and hearing loss. They can easily spread between unvaccinated people.

    Any children in London who are not up to date with their routine vaccinations can get a catch-up dose via their GP to make sure that they are fully protected. 

    If you believe your child is missing a vaccination and you don't want to wait, you can contact your local GP to book an appointment.

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  • Hillingdon’s Warm Welcome Centres - Helping you stay warm and well this winter

    Published 20/02/23

    Hillingdon’s libraries and some faith and community buildings are offering residents a warm and friendly place to enjoy some company, buy a hot drink and get help and advice on how to stay warm and healthy during the colder winter days.  Find your local Hillingdon Warm Welcome Centre and access the Winter Wellness Directory*, a useful guide to help you stay well throughout the colder months at:

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  • #WALKTOSCHOOLSTORIES Social Media Challenge

    Published 14/10/22

    October is International Walk to School Month, helping to embed active travel behaviours within the School community, with an opportunity to be part of a global campaign, encouraging students to walk to school alongside young people in over 40 countries!

    Considering the contribution that traffic pollution makes to climate change and the effects it has on wildlife and natural habitats around the world, by walking to school, you can reduce your carbon emissions, supporting natural habitats and animals across the globe. To keep the momentum going for Walk to School Month, @LivingStreets has started a new #WALKTOSCHOOLSTORIES Social Media Challenge.

    The prize draw is open to all UK schools and families who have a social media account.

    Please visit ( details on how to enter.


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  • State Funeral for the Queen

    Published 12/09/22

    The news of the death of the Queen last week was a significant moment for all of us. On Friday morning all the Schools and Colleges in the Trust showed their respect to mark the beginning of the national period of mourning in various ways. Pupils and students reflected on the Queens’ life and in particular over 70 years, her service to our nation.

    Following the announced date of the state funeral for Queen Elizabeth II, the Trust and each of its Schools and Colleges will close to mark this historic occasion on Monday 19th September 2022. The Rosedale Hewens Academy Trust will be open as usual over the next week through the national mourning period.

    We understand that during this period of mourning, some of our students may experience their own sense of loss and grief both for the Queen and for people close to them that are no longer with us. If you believe your child may need some additional support at this time please do not hesitate to contact their form tutor.

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  • New website coming soon!

    Published 29/06/22

    We are excited to announce the launch of our new, fully-featured website which is due to go live this school term!

    Complete with education-specific functionality, our new website will improve accessibility to our content and will feature a consistent and intuitive design to make navigation simple. Some key features include: Responsive Design to ensure desktop/ mobile optimisation, making it easier to use on all browsers and portable devices, User Friendly Buttons to enable you to navigate the site seamlessly, Emergency Pop Ups to alert you to crucial information which require urgent attention, Powerful Communication Software to improve communication, and much more. Our streamlined website will provide a more interactive experience, enabling you to locate information quicker and easier and will keep you informed of the latest news.

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