HPV Vaccinations (Human Papilloma Virus)

Why should my child have the HPV Vaccine?
- It is a single dose of Gardasil 9 that is offered to pupils in Year 8 to prevent HPV infection.
- It protects against two high risk HPV types that cause cancers, including cancer of the cervix, head and neck, penile and rectal cancers.
- To give the best protection, the vaccine should between ages 12 to 13 when the immune system is strong.
- The vaccine prevents up to 90% of cervical cancer cases.
Having the Vaccine at School...
- Consent forms will be sent electronically via your child’s school.
- The form needs to be returned by the date given to you by your school whether it is Yes or No. Young people under the age of 16 can give or refuse consent themselves if considered competent to do so by nursing staff.
- The vaccine program normally runs from April until July.
For more information on the HPV vaccine, please read the Newsletter below, or visit this website: www.schoolvaccination.uk/hpv-vaccine